
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

It's that Time of Year Again...

Ugh.  Things I can be sure of this time of year: I will be swimming in a post Christmas funk, semi-dreading the end of another year in which I accomplished nothing spectacular and sweating the fact that I will soon be turning another year older.  Why oh why must it be this way?  I begin questioning all the decisions I've made in my life and wondering why, every year at this time, I seem to always feel the same way.  It's like I've spent the entire year walking a long lap only to end right where I began.  Oh sure there are a few changes.  I notice a few more wrinkles, pluck a couple gray hairs, and watch as my son grows faster than a sea monkey.  I can rarely find any accomplishments to take comfort in and the year begins covered in a sheet of melancholy (and snow). 

At the onset of my end of the year crisis, I always reach for the same book.  Whether I read it cover to cover or the occasional chapter or three, it has become an essential item to jumpstart the force that drives me.  Although it is listed under "Self-Help", an area of the book store I don't often frequent for fear someone I know may see me, it is not your ordinary self-help book (yes I have read one or two).  When I think of the term self-help, I think of the SNL character Stuart Smalley sitting in front of his mirror, telling his reflection "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me".  Daily affirmations have never worked for me, mostly because I find someway to discredit them.  That is the way my brain works.  Apparently it likes to play devil's advocate with itself.  Anway, back to the book.  It is titled Revolution from Within: A Book of Self-Esteem by Gloria Steinem.  Do not be discouraged by the title, rather, look at the authors name.  Hello, it's Gloria freakin' Steinem.  Credibility right there.

This book was first published in the early 90's and became a #1 national bestseller.  I purchased it sometime around 2001-2002 for a Women Studies class I took in college.  We were required to read some of the chapters but, at the time, I don't think I really absorbed the information.  I knew who Gloria Steinem was from readings in other Women Studies classes but at that time in my life, I was so focused on looking at the outside forces that had and were continuing to affect my life rather than analyzing myself and my own behaviors.  It wasn't until about 5 years ago that I actually read the entire book and felt that I actually learned things about myself and the people in my life.  As I said, I have read "self-help" books before, even went to therapy for a while, but this book is different.  Rather than advice, she shares stories about herself and others, history and research she has done or read about.  It's an educational and comforting read.  A book that should be required reading for everyone, women AND men. 

The reason I find myself picking it up at least once a year (if not more) is to remind myself that (to steal a quote from the book) "We create much of the outer world from within ourselves".  As weeks and months pass, I seem to lose site of this fact.  It's hard to unlearn bad habits (most of which we adopt at an early age) and to retrain your brain to take a different path every time it's faced with unforeseen obstacles.  So when I look ahead at a new year filled with the same struggles, it can be a bit daunting.  I figure the more I read the book, the more I learn and unlearn, the more likely I am to change my way of thinking so that one day, hopefully in the near future, I can feel as if I am continuing on the journey instead of reliving it.

Monday, December 6, 2010

3 Months Later....

Soooo much for my resolution to write more on my blog.  It's been 3 months...3 MONTHS!!  It feels like 3 days since my last entry.  What the hell have I been doing?  Well, let's see, I started a new job (not interesting enough to talk about), celebrated Halloween, went to two shows (Trampled by Turtles and Roma Di Luna), celebrated Thanksgiving and I am currently caught in the Christmas current and trying to keep my head above water.  I LOVE Christmas but it is exhausting and when it's over, I have to admit, it is a relief.

As I was saying, I had the pleasure of seeing Trampled by Turtles perform at the Kato Ballroom in October and it was an amazing show.  If you want to buy a CD (good x-mas gift!) that does not disappoint in any way, buy Palomino.  MY. GOD.  It is musical bliss.  I can be having the absolute worst day and all I have to do is listen to the song Victory and I am instantly elated. 

Trampled by Turtles at the Kato Ballroom

I'm not sure what the deal is with me being a drunk magnet but when I am at concert that serves alcohol, if there is an obnoxious drunk person (and there always is) they are right next to me, falling on me, stepping on my feet and spilling beer on me.  If this was a blog entry that focused soley on this show, I would have titled it Trampled by Drunk Chicks.  Luckily, half way through the show a nice young man let me take his spot by the stage so I was able to snap a few sweet shots and enjoy the show without being doused in alcohol.

In November I went to the Coffee Hag to see Roma Di Luna perform as part of the 89.3 The Current Road Trip.  The entire band was not there but Alexei and Channy Moon Casselle (the husband and wife duo that started the group) were enough to captivate the audience.  The voice that comes out of Channy seems other worldly.  It's beautiful and moving and I don't think I've heard another like it, ever.  I've been a fan ever since I heard These Tears Ain't Mine but nothing compares to seeing them perform live.  The chemistry between Alexei and Channy was apparent while they were performing and when they were answering questions and giving the crowd some background info on how they got started. 

Alexi and Channy from Roma Di Luna performing at the Coffee Hag
I was so mesmerized by Roma Di Luna's performance that after the show, I forgot to go meet Jill Riley and Steve Seel and tell them how much I adore them and the Current and how they make my mornings at work bearable.